Comotion 2023
Year: 2023
Role: Animator
Time: 8 weeks
Role: Animator
Time: 8 weeks
CoMotion is a student-led motion graphics conference that brings together top industry professionals with Motion Media Design students at the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Between December and March, I animated three scenes for the title sequence, as well as three title cards for the student showcase
Between December and March, I animated three scenes for the title sequence, as well as three title cards for the student showcase
All “280” scenes were a colaboration between me and Isabelle Winarto.
For Scene 280A, my role was to create several moving sprites that were later composited by Isabelle into a custom "flexgrid" she designed.
I created the sprites in 500px x 500px then rendered them out in alpha channels to make compositing efficent.
For the next scene I used the same sprites from 280A, then created a Flex Rig to animate the scene.
For Scene 280D, Isabelle worked to create 82 diffrent sprites.
To composite the sprites, I utilized a custom rig designed by Desmond Du, which allowed me to place each sprite in a grid with equal spacing
I created a line animation to reveal slowly on screen as a complimenting detail.
The end scene conisted of over 14,000 animating sprites.
Created by spraypainting then scanning frame by frame images of my hand. With the help of the creative direction team we refrenced Peter Clark’s Symbologies. We looked to create a simular look but stylistically move in a diffrent direction than Peter had.

Style Frames pitched to the creative team December 2022. Heavily inspired by the work of Peter Clark

Motion Tests
Student Showcase Title Cards
The other task of the animation team was to collaborate with the design team to animate 3 title cards.
These title cards would be used to introduce each category of the student showcase competition
Type animation by Desmond Du
Shape Animation by Kyle Switzer
Tactile Motion
Social Media Motion
3D Motion
Thank you to Desmond Du, our exceptional Animation lead. Thank you to Aanvik Singh and Markly Koven for their creative direction.
Thank you to the design team for providing us with such beautiful frames to work with.
Finally a big heartfelt thanks to the animation team, particularly Isabelle Winarto, for the outstanding collaboration!

Creative Director: Aanvik Singh
Art Director: Marly Koven
Producers: Rachel Golla, Alexis Dow
Lead Animator: Desmond Du
Lead 3D Animator: Stephen Mok
Animators: Harshitha Suresh, Kyle Switzer, Isabelle K Winarto, Kaleb Sweeney, Cathy Lin, Meg Aki, Erica Kim, J.C. Petrofsky
Lead Designer: Tiffany Lo
Designers: Antara Ghosh, Jessica Liou, Alexis Wang, Tiffany Teddy, Peter Wang, Xinxun Liao, Yining Li
Lead Graphic Designer: Josie Glassman
Graphic Designers: Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon, Meghna Shourie, Nicole Lin, Claire Lin, Sophia D’Alleva, Stephanie Sandoval
Lead Experiential: Samantha Woods
Experiential: Juan Pablo Silhy, Alyssa Mackersie, Meghan Romance
Web Developers: Amadeus Cameron, Isabelle Duffner
Composer: Miguel Concha
Lead Documentation: Libby Nett
Documentation: Caitlin Crooker, Savitri Trivedi